Tuesday 6 October 2015

Milimani Road renamed after Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete

Governor Evans Kidero has today renamed Milimani road Jakaya Kikwete road in honor of Tanzania’s outgoing president.

President Kikwete who is currently in Kenya on a state visit was presented with a key to the city by Dr Evans Kidero who hosted him in Nairobi.

According to Kidero, the relationship between Kenya and Tanzania has continued to grow and has seen increased trade partnerships between the two countries. 

During his visit to state house Kikwete assured Kenyans that Tanzania’s policy towards Kenya will not change even after he leaves office.

Kikwete said that he will ensure that the relations between Kenya and Tanzania will continue to thrive. He also added that he will attract more investors from Tanzania as he will be visiting the country more frequently.

This will be Kikwete's last visit as Tanzania’s president as he is expected to leave office when the country goes to polls later this month.

Image credit: The Star

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