Tuesday 6 October 2015

Mutahi Ngunyi files petition to stop his prosecution

Political scientist Mutahi Ngunyi has filed petition to stop his prosecution over hate speech remarks.

Ngunyi who filed the petition on Tuesday asked the court to issue a temporary order to block his prosecution.

Certifying the application as urgent, Justice Onguto directed the case be heard on Thursday 8th October. 

DPP, Keriako Tobiko, on Monday ordered that Mutahi Ngunyi be tried for his controversial posts on his twitter account.
 Despite his online apology for the posts, Investigations were conducted by the NCIC into Ngunyi's twitter remarks which depicted Luos as "poverty-stricken".

Ngunyi went a step further and offered a white goat to LSK chief executive Apollo Mboya as a sign of peace. Mboya was the first to formally complain to the NCIC about Mutahi's remarks.

Mutahi's tweets were mainly directed at Cord Leader Raila Odinga and the Luo community.

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