Wednesday 30 September 2015

Kajiado county spends 2.5 million on mobile phones

Kajiado governor, David Nkedianye, is on the spot for the purchase of mobile phones worth 2.49million for his chief and county executives.

According to a report released by auditor general Edward Ouko, the 24 Samsung Galaxy Note III smart phones were purchased at varying prices.

The phones were purchased in two batches during the 2013/14 financial year. The first batch was bought at Sh 90,000 each while the second batch cost Sh 80,000 each. All phones were acquired from the same entity. 

The committee questioned why the county had to acquire expensive phones that cost Sh 80,000 which were outside limits allowed for purchase of mobile phones and why there was a Sh 10,000 difference in price.

In his defense Nkedianye said the price difference was caused by market fluctuations but no money was lost in the deal.

The chair of the committee, Kisumu senator Anyang Ny'ong'o asked the governor to provide receipts and names of the officers who received the phones, when he appears before the committee again on Friday.

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