Tuesday 15 September 2015

TSC will not pay striking teachers

During a press briefing on Monday, TSC chair Dr. Lydia Nzomo said teachers will not be paid for the days they have not worked.

Nzomo said the process for preparing for the September payroll has began and that only teachers teachers "who have been performing their duties" will be paid in full.

“The process of preparing the September payroll has begun and details of the teachers who have been performing duties have been captured, these teachers will receive their salaries in full. 

Teachers who have not returned to work since schools reopened will be considered to have deserted duty.

"It will no longer be possible for any teacher to miss work and earn a salary, therefore any teacher who has not been on duty for 14 days is deemed to have deserted duty,” said Dr. Nzomo.

Those who will not have resumed duty by September 18 will be removed from the payroll.

"Those who will not have heeded the call by September 18 will be removed from the payroll,” she said, while addressing a news conference at TSC offices in Nairobi.

Photo credit: Daily Nation

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