Monday 14 September 2015

Raila wants Waiguru suspended over NYS corruption Scandal

Cord leader Raila Odinga has called on President Uhuru Kenyatta to suspend devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru over the NYS corruption scandal claiming that her name was removed from the list of shame.

"I have enough evidence to confirm to you that money was stolen from National Youth Service, if they like they can take me to court. The government is trying to trade small fish for the big "Mbuta"(fish). It is a cover up," he said. 

Speaking at a meeting on Sunday, Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula, Mombasa senator Hassan Omar and Awendo MP Jared OPiyo said Waiguru should take responsibility and step aside after Sh791 million was lost from her ministry in fraudulent deals.

Wetangula questioned why the NYs report was handed to Waiguru who should have been the first suspect.

"How can you ask a suspect to announce the outcome of an investigation into a fraud?" Wetangula said, adding that Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu was suspended on much weaker grounds than Waiguru’s.

21 Officers, including deputy director general Adan Harakhe, have been suspended after Waiguru released a graft report on Friday, confirming there was “conspiracy to defraud the National Youth Service.

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