Thursday 10 September 2015

Raila’s supporters say Mutahi Ngunyi’s appeasement goat is too emaciated, ODM leader can’t eat it!

Political consultant, Mutahi Ngunyi, has apologized to CORD leader, Raila Odinga, over tweets he made which were deemed by his supporters to be offensive.

Ngunyi says he will take down the tweets. This afternoon, he gave a white goat and drank beer with the CEO of the Law Society of Kenya, Apollo Mboya, the chief complainant against the tweets. Ngunyi says Mboya will act as an emissary between him and Luo elders, and the political leader, Raila Odinga.

even as he was giving the goat, some members of the Luo Community took to social media to lament that the animal was emaciated and was “like adding insult to injury.” Ken Odhiambo tweeted Wednesday night: “Hii ni matusi ingine (this is another insult).

Ashley Ogutu wrote: “Tell him again Mboya, we eat bulls, not emaciated goats. Baba will be very annoyed.” Larry Kenga wrote: ‘This Ngunyi guy is a joke. He is seeking cheap publicity with his goat antics #someonetellmutahingunyi.

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