Wednesday 9 September 2015

Uhuru went to Italy to look for bed despite teachers' strike - Atwoli

Cotu Secretary General Francis Atwoli has faulted the Jubilee government for being insensitive to teachers' plight.

Speaking during a joint rally by Cotu, Knut, Kuppet and TUC, Atwoli said President Uhuru Kenyatta’s trip to Italy could have been called off and the teachers’ strike addressed.

The SG blasted Uhuru for “going to look for a six by six bed” rather than involve stakeholders to find a solution for the impasse in the education sector.

Atwoli recounted how in 1975 Kenya’s first president Jomo Kenyatta opted not to go for an OAU meeting in Addis Ababa and instead stayed in the country and resolved a strike by City Council workers.

Atwoli also took a swipe at Deputy President William Ruto saying that a Jubilee slogan popularised by the DP explains the downward economic spiral being experienced.

“When I heard kusema na kutenda (words and deeds) being said, I thought tenda was the Swahili word for action. But it turns out it was tenders that were being was talked about,” Atwoli said.

The SG further questioned why the DP would call for setting aside money to deal with the imminent el nino rains yet no such funds have been needed in the past.

Atwoli called on elected leaders to treat issues affecting their electorate with the seriousness they deserve.

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