Sunday 13 September 2015

kenya union of post primary education teachers release demo timetable

Monday, September 14,, 2015 will mark the beginning of the third week since learning in public schools was paralysed following a countrywide teachers strike.

As teachers and government maintain hard-line stances regarding the 50-60% salary increase, Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has released a demonstration timetable.

In a day that the police have warned the teachers of any violent conduct during their demonstrations, the teachers union has asked members to assemble with Sufurias  and spoons for demonstrations.

Monday, September 14, 2015.

1. All secondary schools which have retained students  in school are required to send them home by 8 am in the morning.

2. Head Teachers who have received the intimidating show cause letters  to hand them over to the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education county executive by 10 am for onward submission to KUPPET national office for action.

3) All teachers are asked to assemble at their county Kenya Union of Post Primary Education branches with sufurias and spoons for a serious grand demo.

Tuesday, September 15,  2015

1. Kenya Union of Post Primary Education executive secretaries to  to organise KUPPET  and Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) joint demonstrations from an agreed meeting point and time.

2. Members are asked to carry  sufurias and spoons and wear yellow or green ribbons.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

1. All teachers to assemble in various churches countrywide dressed in sack clothes for prayers.
2. Immediately after church teachers will demonstrate with other workers of Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU). There will be total paralysis in all sectors of the economy.

Thursday, September 17,  2015

1. All county Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Executive Secretaries to draft letters to all County Assembly Members, MPs and county Senator urging them to find a quick solution to teachers pay demands to avoid anarchy in the country.

2.Members  to pressurise their MCAs, MPS and Senators through social media, text messages or calling and asking to have them make a positive move.

Friday,September 18, 2015

All Kenya Union of Post Primary Education leadership to meet and review progress of the week’s demonstrations and plan for week four of the demos.

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