Sunday 13 September 2015

Raila Attends Ex-SONU Leader And Radio Citizen Presenter’s Wedding

Sunday September 13, 2015 was celebrity couple David Osiany and Syombua Mwele’s wedding, attended by a host of top personalities led by opposition leader Raila Odinga.

The church ceremony was held at Maxwell Nairobi Central SDA church, followed by the reception at Wonderjoy Gardens in Ridgeways.

Osiany is known for his instrumental role in University of Nairobi SONU politics that has borne popular leaders of today such as Babu Owino.

The 28-year-old former sports anchor at Hot 96 FM was SONU leader in 2009-2010, after which he fought for the return of the student union following a five year ban.

He has been part of ODM since leaving university, and was Raila’s advisor when he was the Prime Minister in 2012-2013.

Osiany proposed to his girlfriend of four years Syombua in May 2015 on air during her radio show Chapa Kazi when he posed as a caller.

Other popular personalities present at the wedding were Rongo MP Dalmas Otieno, Citizen TV news host Kanze Dena, gospel star Kambua and comedians Wilbroda and Jalang’o among others.

Osiany is set to jet out of the country after the honeymoon for the UK, where he will pursue a Masters course in Public Policy at the University of Bristol, after he won the prestigious UK government Chevening Scholarship alongside 29 other Kenyans.

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