Thursday 10 September 2015

Activists want Bungoma officials suspended over 'special' wheelbarrows

Civil society groups want the Bungoma procurement department overhauled and all officials suspended over the purchase of wheelbarrows at an inflated price.

The government should own up and apologise for purchasing 10 wheelbarrows at Sh109,000 each, said Bungoma Centre for Human rights branch chairman Philip Wanyonyi.

"The investigating arms of government should interrogate the suppliers of the wheelbarrows, who are believed to be powerful people in the county’s corridors of power," he added.

Speaking on Thursday, Wanyonyi said the "corruptly bought" wheebarrows were to used at the Chwele chicken factory from September 2013.

The only difference between the "special" wheelbarrows and ordinary ones is that they have two wheels, he said, noting that the other parts are similar.

"We know the most expensive wheelbarrows cost approximately Sh10,000 and are mostly used in the United States," he added.

Albert Wamalwa of the Jukwaa la Katiba organisation said all officers implicated in the purchase of the wheelbarrows at an inflated price should be prosecuted and surcharged.

Wamalwa said this would ensure corrupt individuals do not use county resources to enrich themselves.

Wamalwa lauded the public for standing up against corruption by condemning the misuse of public funds through flawed procurement processes.

Wanyonyi and Wamalwa threatened court action if the county does not sack those responsible.

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