Saturday 12 September 2015

Billions Wasted On Mystery Projects By The CDF

There has been a systematic wastage of billions of shillings through mystery projects carried out by the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Projects have been carried out over the CDF’s 12 year history that only exist on paper and were never completed. Devolution may have sped up the wastage by the CDF as government watchdogs are now focusing on county governments.

The office of the Auditor General is having difficulty keeping tabs on all the projects being undertaken by the CDF, reports the Daily Nation.

There have even been hospitals that have been built but go unoccupied by patients.

There are some shocking examples of wastage. In Kericho, a pineapple factory with a price tag of KSh 80 million sits unused. The county government attempted to install a processing machine but claims that the factory is too small to do so.

A market in Nakuru has received at least KSh 17.5 million in 12 years but has not been completed.

In August of 2015, MPs turned down a request by the office of the Auditor General to use some of the CDF kitty to fund auditing.

The CDF was created in 2003 as a part of the Constituency Development Fund Act. It has been the subject of much controversy over the years.

The 2013 CDF Act was designed to bring more transparency to the agency.

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