Tuesday 6 October 2015

Kaimenyi asks TSC to challenge court order against recruitment of new teachers

Speaking during the launch of the 2014 basic Educational Statistical Booklet at KICC on Tuesday, Education Cabinet Secretary advised the Teachers Service Commission to appeal a court order stopping recruitment of teachers.

 He said that an employer should not stop be stopped from hiring other employees.

Kaimenyi said that the move to hire new teachers was a noble idea that was aimed at restoring learning. 

On Friday, a court suspended the recruitment of 70,000 teachers until a case filed by the Trade Union Congress of Kenya is heard.

TSC had said it would hire 50,000 primary teachers, and 20,000 teachers for secondary schools. 10,000 teachers had already been hired and posted to schools.

 The teachers were to be employed on a three-month contractual basis.

TSC started hiring new teachers following the five-week long teachers' strike that was called off on Saturday by KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion.

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