Monday 19 October 2015

Lamar Odom regains conciousness

Former NBA star Lamar Odom's health has shown great signs of improvement four days after he was found unconscious at a legal brothel in Nevada.

According to TMZ the 35-year-old's heart is reportedly responding for the first time. Besides his heart, three other major organs were reportedly failing after his alleged drug overdose on Oct. 13. It is also suspected he may have brain damage after he suffered multiple strokes.

Khloe Kardashians' estranged husband emerged from the coma on Friday and had his breathing tube that was assisting his breathing removed.

Lamar's Las Vegas doctors are reportedly working with specialists from LA who were flown in by the Kardashian family. 

This comes as good news to his loved ones who have been at his side since he was hospitalized on Tuesday last week.

Reports from ESPN indicate that Odom, was "conversational" on Saturday.

Kim Kardashian posted a caption on her Instagram page that read, "I'm so happy Kendall & I could make you smile today!"

Khloe Kardashian has been by Odom's side since he was rushed to hospital, since then teammates, friends and loved ones including his two children, have visited and posted on social media asking for prayers.

Kardashian, 31, has vowed to stay by Lamar’s bedside until he makes a complete recovery.

The estranged couple got married in 2009 and split in December 2013 after four years of marriage. Their divorce was finalized in July; however, they remain legally married as a judge has yet to sign the paperwork

She has asked her family to go back home and tend to their lives. However, the Kardashian family is preparing to head back to Las Vegas to be with Khloe during this difficult times.

Khloe’s sister, Kourtney Kardashian, 36, has three young children who need her, while her other sister Kim Kardashian has one daughter at home and is about to welcome a second child.

Kim Kardashian, 34, pulled a plug on her baby shower to celebrate the upcoming birth of their second baby with Kanye West. The baby shower was to be held at the home of close family friend on Saturday.

However, despite their insanely hectic lives, they refuse to let Khloe deal with this situation without support.

The Kardashians have also ceased publishing content on their mobile apps and websites.

"As a family, we've decided to hold off on publishing across our apps while we continue to support and pray for Lamar. Thank you for your kindness and understanding during this difficult time."

The former NBA star Lamar Odom was found unconscious at the Love Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada on Tuesday 13th October with white and reddish substances coming from his nose and mouth.

Lamar had gone to the Love Ranch Brothel "to get some privacy and spend some time relaxing," said the owner of the Brothel.

Dennis Hof, the owner of the brothel said that, Odom had seen taking large amounts of "herbal Viagra", during his three-day stay. The non-prescription product can dramatically lower blood pressure and interact with other medications.

We wish Lamar a quick recovery.

 Image Credit; Reuters

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