Monday 31 August 2015

Photos of the bride sued by new groom for not being pretty enough

Remember the groom who sued his bride for not being pretty enough and cheating him with too muh make up? Read here. Here is a newspaper clip of the woman's before and after photos. Lol. Well, this one reach to sue person. Just joking o! But is the husband justified?

Saturday 29 August 2015

Mario Balotelli Donates 50 percent Of His Salary To Children In Africa

Italian top footballer Mario Balotelli attracts a lot of controversy with his off-pitch antics that sometimes get more media prominence than his brilliant performance as a professional footballer, or even other commendable deeds that he is involved in.

One such is his generosity towards charity. Information has been out in the public for a while now that 25-year-old Balotelli gives almost half of his earnings to charity, especially Africa.

 In 2013, UK’s The Mirror quoted Balotelli’s ex-girlfriend model Tabby Brown who he dated while playing in Manchester.

Friday 28 August 2015

Beyonce stuns in new vacation photos

Beyoncé showed off these new photos of her on vacation and slayed in all of them. More photos after the cut..

Photo: Prominent Indian TV Executive arrested for killing daughter

A prominent Indian TV executive, Indrani Mukerjea was arrested on Wednesday August 26 in Mumbai and accused of murdering Sheena Bora, her daughter from an earlier marriage. Mukerjea, who is the wife of Peter Mukerjea, the former CEO of Star India, is accused of ordering her driver to kill Bora and of disposing of the body three years ago. Mukerjea and the driver were charged with kidnapping, murder and destroying the evidence.

According to Indian media, before to her death in 2012, Bora was dating Rahul, one of Peter Mukerjea's sons from his previous marriage, but that Peter Mukerjea did not know that Bora was his wife's child.

Victoria Kimani steps out in see through dress (photos)

First Lady of Chocolate City steps out in skin revealing outfit by Swanky's Signatures. You like ?

Thai woman sentensed to death after being found guilty of trafficking cocaine in her private parts and anus

30- year-old Chonmanee Laphathanawat from Thai province of Rayong was yesterday August 27th sentenced to death by a High Court after finding her guilty of trafficking in 689.10gm of cocaine in 70 capsules hidden in her anus and her private parts.

Laphathanawat, who was detained at the Penang International Airport in Bayan Lepas in February 2013, looked calm but dejected when Judicial Commissioner Nordin Hassan pronounced the verdict. She was charged with committing the offence from about 12.50am on Feb 13 to Feb 16, 2013 at the Penang General Hospital.

Daring escape as riders beat city traffic marshal to free boda boda

A boda boda rider and his colleagues beat a Nairobi county askari when he tried to arrest him for blocking Haile Selassie Avenue on Thursday evening.

The askari, who had taken the rider's keys, was attacked while pushing the motorcycle to the nearby city council office.

The riders escaped leaving the askari bleeding.

City inspectorate vice chairman and Kilimani MCA Moses Ogeto condemned the incident and called for cooperation with officers to ease traffic flow.

Coast drugs war to begin Tuesday - Uhuru

Coast region officials will start the war on drugs on Tuesday, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said, a day after declaring "total war" on the menace.

Uhuru issued the directive to county commissioners, county commanders and MPs on Friday, when he hosted 800 of the region's leaders at State House, Mombasa county.

The leaders reiterated the devastating effect of the drugs on youths, education and development.

They also raised concerns over infrastructure and agricultural products including sugar and cashew nuts.

Joy Gwendo axed from TNA over supporting Cord

TNA has suspended Nominated Senator Joy Gwendo over allegations that she no longer serves the interests of the party, but the opposition's.

The suspension is with immediate effect, the party disciplinary committee said in a statement on Friday, adding that she has been de-whipped from all Senate committees.

The committee said Gwendo has "actively supported the agenda of the opposition both within and outside parliament contrary to article 4(8( (b) of the party constitution".

"The charged member has, in her conduct, brought the name of the party and the office she holds into disrepute, contrary to article 3 and 4 of the party constitution," it added.

Uhuru directs NYS to recruit Coast youths into empowerment projects

President Uhuru Kenyatta has directed the recruitment of youths from every constituency at the Coast into the NYS, a day after ordering a war on the drug menace in the region.

Uhuru singled out Mombasa Old Town as the first to benefit from an NYS clean-up exercise, saying youths will receive skills training and thousands employed.

“This project is not aimed at benefitting a few areas only, but the whole country. I look forward to joining the youth in the clean up exercise in Old Town,” he said.

My husband will be cleared of 'false' ICC charges - Rachel Ruto

Rachel Ruto has said she is confident her husband, Deputy President William Ruto, will be cleared of crimes against humanity charges at the ICC.

In her first public comment on the case, Rachel said her husband was falsely accused and will be cleared of all charges.

“Thank you and continue praying for us. It is not an easy thing especially if you know you are being accused falsely," she said.

Mombasa prison warder shoots wife in domestic row

A prison warder was arrested yesterday after he allegedly shot his wife at Shimo la Tewa main prison.

It was the latest in a series of cases of indiscipline among officers at the prison.

Coast provincial prison commandant James Kodieny said the two had a confrontation and then Senior Constable Geofrey Ruto drew his rifle and shot her in the stomach at 3am.

Speaking in his office, Kodieny said Ruto sneaked from duty and went to the staff quarters where he picked a quarrel with his wife.

Kodeiny said the woman is recovering at Coast Provincial General Hospital.

The Star

Three suspected thugs killed in Dandora phase 5

Three suspected thugs were trailed and gunned down in Dandora estate, Nairobi county, on Friday.

Police said the three are believed to have been attacking and robbing residents of the estate's phase 4.

APs trailed the suspects to phase 5 at about 3am, where two were killed while trying to escape, an officer said.

The officer said the third suspect had escaped but was shot dead when he was found later.

Residents lauded police for the operation saying the gang had been carrying out attacks for several months.

In July, a doctor was stabbed and Sh30,000 stolen from a hospital in the area.

Buru Buru OCPD Richard Kerich declined to comment.

The star

More Drug-Laden Ships To Be Destroyed In Mombasa, Uhuru Warns

President Uhuru Kenyatta has declared war on the drug menace in the coastal region, saying no effort will be spared in eradicating the scourge.

He called on all leaders to join hands and work with security agencies to ensure that drugs are eliminated completely and traffickers are made to pay for their crimes.

“My administration will not relent. We shall destroy any vessel on land, sea or air that is confirmed to be carrying drugs,” President Kenyatta said.

Photos: 70 decomposed bodies of migrants found in a meat truck in Austria

In another indication of the worsening migrant crisis in Europe, an abandoned meat truck full of 70 bodies of migrants was found on the side of a highway in eastern Austria on Thursday morning Aug. 27. The truck was found on a motorway near the borders with Slovakia and Hungary by an Austrian patrol with fluids from the decomposing bodies seeping from its back.

Another Man Now Claims He Impregnated Hon Waititu’s ‘Mpango Wa Kando’

Who made Martha Wanjiru pregnant? A man has now claimed that he is responsible for the pregnancy of the 28 year old mobile phone dealer and not Juja MP Francis Waititu.

According to Joseph Njuguna, he has been living with Wanjiru until three weeks ago when she left after a disagreement. Joseph claimed that Wanjiru informed him that she was pregnant and he was the father when they were living together in his Githurai 44 house.

Wanjiru has however rubbished claims by Njuguna saying that he is a jilted lover. She told the Star:

Here is why drinking water before meals could be the ultimate key to weightloss

A new study by the University of Birmingham revealed that obese adults who 'pre-loaded- with 500ml of plain tap water lost an average of 4.3kg in 12 weeks

The key to losing weight could be as simple as drinking a pint of water before mealtimes , researchers have said.

A study in which obese adults consumed 500ml of water half an hour before eating main meals saw them report an average loss of 4.3kg (9.48lbs) over a 12-week period.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham said the simple trick could be hugely beneficial, and easily promoted by healthcare professionals and through public health campaigns.

I was chips fungwad by Ne-Yo - says popular socialite

With the buzz about how the American crooner balled like a real player during his Nairobi tour being a showbiz talking point, the twist is coming from the side shows, girls who are claiming they managed a one-night-stand with the singer – reports that Pulse cannot confirm.

A popular socialite says she actually spent a good time with the singer in his hotel together with two girlfriends. She was overheard telling her pals how she 'fungad' Ne-Yo after catching his attention with a 'double tap'. It was also amazing how female celebrities tried to catch the rapper's attention. A radio host who is also a singer and events host confessed to Pulse how, given a chance, she would have had Ne-Yo for herself. And in the above picture, see how Talia played her hustle for that envied spot!

SOURCE: Standard Digital

World Champion Julius Yego furious with EABL for using his win to market tusker

The new javelin world champion Julius Yego has called out Kenya Breweries Limited for cheekily what appears to be his name in an online flyer.

Yego’s massive throw of 92.72m on Wednesday earned Kenya its first gold medal in field events at the ongoing IAAF World Championships.

The champion is however not amused by the use of his win by Kenyan companies to market their products. Case and point being alcohol manufacturer EABL, who used the win to market their flagship product, Tusker. Yego took to his Facebook page to call out the brand saying, “This is wrong! Am (sic) not doing branding on this!”

Gay porn sites registered to Virginia shooter

The man who murdered a television reporter and cameraman on live television set up websites that featured gay porn, according to records obtained by CNN.

Beginning on September 4, 2007, the records show that Vester L. Flanagan II set up domain names for seven different sites.

CNN found that Flanagan used his name and address in Vallejo, California, to register the sites. The last site registration from Flanagan was on January 22,
At the time of the site registrations, Flanagan was working as the "communications director" for a Web company called NDG Interactive, according to his LinkedIn profile.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Photo: Saudi preacher who beat his 5-year-old daughter to death because he doubted her virginity has been released

A court in Saudi Arabia has dropped the charges of manslaughter and sexual assault against the father of Luma, the 5-year-old daughter he had beaten to death in 2011. His sentence was reduced to only the charge of 'excessive disciplining that resulted in death'. According to Saudi Daily Al Sharq, the decision was taken after no trace of semen was found on her body. 
Luma’s case became widely known in 2012 when details emerged of how she was tortured by her father during a visit to him and his new wife. Reports said that the father used wires and an iron rod to punish his daughter after he had expressed doubts about her virginity. Luma died after four months in coma and was not buried for another four months pending the investigation and the autopsy procedures.

Photos: Kim Kardashian vocations at St Barts

More photos from her recent holiday with her family in St Barts...

Woman gets married and gives birth on same day (photos)

A mum-to-be planning her wedding and for the arrival of her baby never expected the two events to happen on the same day. Stephanie Tallent moved her nuptials to a hospital ward after her baby daughter arrived three weeks early.

The 41-year-old attended a routine ultrasound appointment with partner Jason Nece on Friday last week when a nurse found the expectant mum was in active labour.

Photo: Winnie and Mandela's grandson accused of rape granted bail

The 24-year-old grandson of the late former president was on Tuesday 25 August granted bail of R7000 by a Magistrates court in Johannesburg where he is facing a charge of rape and sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl at a restaurant in Greenside, Johannesburg, which occurred on August 7.

According to a news24, the statement by a key witness Goola Singh, a chef at the restaurant where the alleged rape took place who claimed to have seen the grandson of Nelson Mandela and his teenage rape accuser kissing passionately was instrumental to his release on bail. The young man asked the court to set bail between R5 and R10000 because he was unemployed, had two children and is expecting a third one.

Students sent home after fire destroys classrooms at Tigoi Girls School in Vihiga

August holiday tuition at Tigoi Girls School in Vihiga County was disrupted after a huge fire razed the school on Wednesday night.

The fire, whose cause has been attributed to an electric fault, destroyed classrooms.

At least 50 students were in school at the time of the incident.

The more than 1,000 students were expected to arrive at the institution yesterday to start their 'tuition’.

Uhuru asked to help release five Kenyans held in South Sudan

Supporters of five Kenyans detained in South Sudan marched in the Nairobi CBD on Thursday appealing for the state's intervention in their release.

Ravi Ghaghda, Peter Nkonge, Boniface Chuma, Anthony Wazome and Anthony Munialo were arrested on May 29 over fraud allegations.

A group of more than 80 marched from Uhuru Park to Kenyatta Avenue waving placards reading 'BringBackOurBoys' and 'Katiba day'.

Two men sentenced to life in prison or pay Sh100m fine for dealing in wildlife trophies

Two men found in possession of six pieces of ivory weighing 18 kilograms have been sentenced to life in prison or pay a total of Sh100 million in fines.

Tiapukei Kuyoni and Munyao Nzusyo were charged with three counts of retention, possession and dealing with wildlife trophies.

They were found guilty of being in possession of the game trophies valued at Sh1.8 million.

The two were arrested by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officers with six pieces of ivory at Oloika along Mosiro-Ntulele road in Narok County on September 1, 2014.

James Harden photobombs a sleeping Kris Jenner & Kanye West

Kim K shared this photo of her mum resting on her husband Kanye West on a a sofa during the star-studded birthday bash Khloe threw for new beau James Harden, who is pictured photobombing the pair with a goofy grin on his face and flashing 'horns' above their heads.

Student dies after being thrown out of moving police vehicle

Police in Bomet county are on the spot over the death of a student who was ejected out of a speeding police car on Sunday.

Benard Rono, 23, died at Longisa Referral hospital where he was being treated after being pushed out of a police Land Rover.

County police commandant Leah Kithei denied reports that Rono was thrown out of the car by the officers, saying he willfully jumped out while being taken to Chebunyo police station for questioning.

She said he sustained serious head injuries and was rushed to a clinic by the officers, where he was treated and referred to the hospital.

According to a report by Us Weekly, despite showing public support for their step-father now turned step-mother, Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe are said to be fighting with him in private. The fight is mostly about the way Caitlyn has antagonised his ex-wife, Kris, who is the girls' mother.
"There's not a lot of love for Caitlyn. Vanity Fair was the start of the downfall. It came out and they looked like idiots, they first saw the article on Twitter! The Kardashians were furious once they realized she took jabs at Kris, a lot of times she wasn't very nice. They are so incensed that they may be done with Caitlyn for good. Everyone has turned their backs on her.' Close family sources told Us.

UN official proposes roll out of Margaret's Beyond Zero campaign across Africa

A top United Nations official wants First Lady Margaret Kenyatta's Beyond Zero initiative rolled out across Africa.

Mieko Ikegame said maternal and child health problems cut across the countries, but can be curbed through the campaign.

Ikegame said Margaret's efforts, in launching 32 mobile clinics in counties and participating in marathons, are "impressive".

The First Lady participated in the London Marathon (42 km) in 2014 and in two editions of her Half Marathon ( 21 km) in Nairobi, to raise funds for the initiative.

No DNA on Ng'ang'a, Limuru court says

A Limuru court yesterday ruled that Neno Evangelism Pastor James Ng’ang’a will not be subjected to a DNA test in relation to a case on a fatal accident he allegedly caused.

Limuru senior resident magistrate Timothy ole Tanchu said the DNA test should have been conducted before Ng’ang’a was charged.

Last week, prosecutors Alloys Kemo and Catherine Mwaniki urged the court to allow investigators to conduct a DNA test on Ng’ang’a, saying the charges against him are serious.

Serena Williams shows off her hot bod in crop top & tutu at NY event

The tennis legend, 34, flashed her famous toned abs in a white cropped top, teamed with a chic knee-length netted black skirt as she attended the Annual Delta Open Mic party in NYC yesterday night.

Kenya’s First Lady To Address World Assembly For Women In Japan

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta arrived in Tokyo, Japan on Wednesday August 26 for a four-day visit where she is scheduled to address the World Assembly for Women (WAW) among other official engagements.

While in Japan, she is also expected to officially launch the third edition of the First Lady’s Half Marathon scheduled for Sunday, March 6.

 Before launching the 2016 Marathon at the Hibiya Park, next to the Emperor’s Imperial Palace in Tokyo, the First Lady and her team will run a 5-km race around the Park before lighting a torch to signify the launch.

 The launch officially kicks off the registration for the marathon aimed at creating awareness and raising funds for the remaining 15 mobile clinics under the Beyond Zero initiative.

Hope As South Sudan President Signs Peace Deal

South Sudan President Salva Kiir has signed a peace deal that aims to end 20-months civil war that plunged into Africa’s young nation.

Speaking in Juba on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 before signing the deal, Kiir said: “With all those reservations that we have, we will sign this document.”
The peace signing ceremony was witnessed by  leaders from six East African Nation, representatives from African Union, the European Union, the United Nations, the United States, Britain, China and Norway.

Terror suspect arrested, police recover AK 47 rifles, rocket-propelled grenades in Garissa

Police arrested a terror suspect and recovered explosives and guns on Wednesday evening.
The weapons recovered from the suspect included three AK-47 riffles, 227 rounds of ammunition, seven rocket-propelled grenades, four magazines and four hand grenades.

Police also recovered a metallic IED carrier, soldering wire and several mobile phones hidden in a corner, said police.

The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims in Garissa praised security agencies for preventing “what could have been one of the worst terror attacks in the town”.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Rapper Luke attacks Kanye West, says he changed the Hip Hop game by wifing a h**

In an interview with Watch Loud, OG rapper Uncle Luke attacked Kanye West for marrying Kim K. Below is what he said

"[Rap] used to be a different, before Kanye West, rappers wasn't wifin' all these h**s. Rappers would be secure with they woman. You look at Ice Cube. He's always been with is wife. You look at Will Smith. He's always been with her. Hip Hop was different."
"We didn't get caught up in the Hollywood thing, where, ok rappers are now marrying Hollywood girls, leaving one, going to the next one, leaving this one. We didn't do that. I mean, we were like real secure. We wasn't marrying girls or wifing girls for the Internet to blow up."

Nick Gordon breaks down at Bobbi Kristina's graveside and National Enquirer got the pics

Bobbi Kristina's boyfriend at the time of her death Nick Gordon was banned from her funeral after her family suspected he had a hand in her death. Well, last week we heard that Nick was planning to visit Bobbi's graveside and for some weird reason, National Enquirer got exclusive photos of Nick breaking down at the site. He's on the cover of the tabloid magazine with the headline "Why I Did It!" with photos of him wiping away tears at Bobbi's grave.

Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume prompts outcry

Yes, it is that time of the year again. It may be August, but topical and tasteless Halloween costumes are already popping up — ready to destroy what should be a beautiful night of guilt-free candy consumption.

Case in point: There is now a Caitlyn Jenner costume, based on her iconic Vanity Fair cover, one that transgender supporters say makes a mockery out of her choice to live as her true self.

It is, of course, nothing new to mine current events for an edgy Halloween costume. You might recall last year's Sexy Ebola Nurse while the U.S. faced what it feared was an epidemic. And some make the argument that paying tribute to an inspiring public figure by dressing up as them for Halloween is actually an honor.

Virginia TV journalists shot during WDBJ7 live report

A television reporter and cameraman were shot to death on live television Wednesday in Virginia by a gunman described as a disgruntled station employee. As the camera fell to the ground, it captured a glimpse of the shooter, who was being chased by police.

Reporter Alison Parker was interviewing an economic development official about local tourism as eight shots rang out. She screamed, ran and could be heard saying "Oh my God," as she too was shot. Adam Ward's camera captured a fleeting image, including the face, of a man holding a handgun.

Trouble in paradise for John Legend and Chrissy Teigen?

Sad to read this but hopefully it's not's from MediaTakeOut and below is how they reported it

John Legend and new wife Chrissy Teigen are the picture perfect couple on the outside.. but we just heard from an extremely well placed insider - that the two are already headed for divorce. According to a top insider, who worked on a show with Chrissy - the two constantly argue.

Uhuru travels to Juba for South Sudan peace talks

President Uhuru Kenyatta has travelled to Juba, South Sudan for a day's official visit to attend an IGAD mini-summit on the country's peace process.

Uhuru, who is the IGAD Rapporteur, will be joined in the summit by Ethiopia’s Prime Minister and IGAD chairperson Hailemariam Desalegn, Uganda President Yoweri Museveni and Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir.

Girl Found With Bhang In Her Panties Has Probation Suspended

George Odunda, a judge for the High Court, has suspended the 18 month probation for a form four student found to be in possession of bhang on Tuesday, August 25, 2015.

The girl had been photographed after allegedly attempting to hide four rolls of bhang worth KSh 80 in her genitals. The 18 month long probation sentence had been challenged in court by CRADLE, a children’s right group.