Friday 21 August 2015

Gunmen raid pastor ng’ang’a’s karen home

Early Friday morning gunmen raided controversial Pastor James Ng’ang’a’s home in Karen and stole an unspecified amount of money.

The gunmen gained entry into the house by cutting window grills at around 3.30am, fired two shots into the air, before making away with the money and electronics.

Confirming the 3.30am incident, Nairobi CID chief Ireri Kamwende said police were investigating the incident.

Pastor Ng'ang'a's mother, wife and children were in the house when the break-in happened but none of them was injured.

The pastor spent the night at the Gigiri Police Station and is expected to appear in court Friday.

The Neno Evangelism Centre head was arraigned on Thursday and denied charges of causing the death of Ms. Mercy Njeri through dangerous driving on July 27 in Limuru, Kiambu County.

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