Tuesday 1 September 2015

Rift valley plans to offer prayers In Mau forest for Ruto’s ICC case

Political leaders from the Kalenjin community will on Sunday September 6 offer prayers for deputy president William Ruto and journalist Joshua Sang for the trial they are facing at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The prayers will be held in Kiptororo shrine in Mau forest and there will be demonstrations against the ICC in Eldoret town coordinated by a group called Kerio Youth Association.

Elgeyo Marakwet senator Kipchumba Murkomen and his counterpart from Kericho Charles Keter said they expect at least 54 MPs from the region as well as county government leaders.

Reports indicate that the leaders are concerned at the direction in which the ICC case has taken after judges allowed prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to use recanted evidence against the two.

 “The time is coming when we will say ‘enough is enough’ and take the bold step to ask Ruto to forget that kangaroo court,” Murkomen told The Star.
“We will be having a big meeting on September 6 when we will chart our way forward in regard to the issues of ICC. We feel that the court had degenerated into a kangaroo court,” he told The Standard adding:  “Those who played a part in fixing Ruto should come out and tell the truth. We cannot allow Ruto and Sang to continue suffering when we clearly know that some people played a part in fixing him.“
MPs allied to the Jubilee administration have been calling on Ruto to boycott the ICC.

Rachel Ruto first mentioned the issue of the prayers during anniversary celebrations at Sosiot girls secondary school.

But leaders from the community now seem to have taken over the matter.

It is not clear whether Ruto and Sang will attend the prayers.

“As a community,we will be having prayers for Ruto and Sang on that day. This will be a Kalenjin affair only and the prayers will be for the ICC cases against the two,” Keter told Jacob Ng’etich of The Standard.
President Uhuru Kenyatta (then accompanied by Ruto) on the run up to general elections was in similar prayers in 2013 that were attended by political leaders and his mother Ngina Kenyatta.


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