Tuesday 18 August 2015

Teenager who was born with hundreds of birthmarks learns to love the skin she's in

A teen branded 'spotty dog' by bullies because of the hundreds of birthmarks that cover her face and body has revealed the path to self acceptance - and how she now loves her skin.

And in these pictures she looks happy with her appearance, after what she says were years of jibes from her peers.

Ciera Swaringen, of Rockwell, North Carolina, in the US, was born with mole-like birthmarks that spread from her head to her toes.

The 19-year-old's rare skin condition affects just one in 500,000 people and covers 70% of her body - with the largest mark stretching from her lower thighs to her navel.

Since she was a child, the brunette has endured cruel taunts from strangers, but has now grown to love her unique appearance.

She says: "Teenage boys are usually the first ones to comment when they see me.

"They say things like, "You look like you're dirty, take a wash."

"But I'm so proud to be different and, at the end of the day, we all have something about us that's unusual, whether it's on the inside or the outside.

"Everyone is born to look different, and we're should all feel beautiful in our own skin."

At birth Ciera was diagnosed with Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus, a skin condition that causes oversized moles or birthmarks to appear on the body.

The shoe shop assistant, who recently graduated from high school, has struggled to overcome negative comments about her birthmarks.

She says: "One day I remember being on the school bus and hearing a young boy laugh at me and call me a 'spotty dog'.

"That really knocked my confidence, I was only young and it made me feel different to the other kids, like something was wrong with me.

"Over time I've learnt to brush off negative comments and remember that most people stare and say cruel things because they're not used to seeing someone with my condition.

 "People in my town don't bat an eye when they see me now, as they know me. But if I go somewhere new, it's not so easy."

Ciera credits her positive outlook to growing up in the small town of Richfield, that has a population of just 600, as well as the continuous support she has received from her family.

She says: "I feel lucky to have grown up in a small town, because most of the people around me know about my birthmarks, so I felt quite normal.

"I remember when I started school my mom told me that my birthmarks were angel kisses - and that really stuck with me.

"And my dad is the first person to stand up to defend me if anyone says anything horrible to me."

Born at Stanley Memorial Hospital in Albermarle, North Carolina, Ciera's body was dotted with dark brown birthmarks, which shocked medical staff and her parents, David, 55, a self employed construction worker and Julie Swaringen, 41 a shoe shop supervisor.

Ciera was taken to Carolinas Medical Centre in Charlotte, North Carolina, where her birthmarks were analysed

Her parents were informed her birthmarks posed no health risk and she was taken home, which she shares with older sisters, Randi, 26, Hannah, 24, and Anna, 20.

Mum Julie, says: "There have been times when people's ignorance has gotten to her, with their comments or stares, but all and all she has stood strong.

"Ciera is a beautiful young lady with a great personality, and I couldn't be more proud of her- she is one of the strongest people I know."

For Ciera, removing her birthmarks has never been an option.

She has been told by doctors that operating is not possible, as there are too many birthmarks - and the number will increase throughout her life.

Ciera says: "My birthmarks are constantly growing and I often get new ones, but I'm hoping that will slow down as I leave my teenage years behind."

With the high volume of birthmarks, she also has to take more care in the sun, as she has higher chance of developing skin cancer.

She says: "Suncream is like my best friend. I have to be extremely careful to make sure I'm protected on hot days. I use high factor cream and don't spend too much time in the sun.

"I still wear shorts and T-shirts when it's warm, but I just have to make sure I'm being safe."

Earlier this year Ciera chose her skin condition as the subject for a high school project.

Her research into Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus led her to discover online groups run by Nevus Outreach, an association that provides support for people affected by the skin condition.

Ciera says: "Discovering groups on Facebook has helped me realise that I'm not alone. I'm hoping I will be able to attend a Nevus Outreach conference, so I can meet other people with my condition."


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