Tuesday 1 September 2015

Uhuru launches Coast NYS projects to keep youth off drugs, create jobs

President Uhuru Kenyatta has launched the Mombasa Old Town NYS youth empowerment project, that targets more than 1,000 youth.

The prorgamme, that involves clean-ups, unclogging drainage systems and building police posts and clinics, also kicked off in Kisauni Constituency.

It will be extended to Likoni and other counties at the Coast, as part of a raft of measures by the government to boost Mombasa county's economy.

Uhuru launched the programme at Fort Jesus on Tuesday and announced several other projects to be undertaken in the region.

“The government is not interested in making profits. Our aim is to create opportunities for families to have sources of livelihood,” he said.

Markiti Market will be modernised, the President said, assuring no trader will be displaced during the upgrade to be completed in the next three months.

He further announced the redesigning of the seafront from Fort Jesus to Old Town, as a tourist attraction.

He toured the market with Governor Ali Hassan Joho, Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nasir and more that 10 other Coast MPs, and walked from the old port to Fort Jesus with residents.

Uhuru added that the government will buy fishing boats for youth groups, and provide cold storage facilities at the port.

Noting that the world needs 450,000 seafarers, he said he had directed Bandari College to reduce fees for their course from Sh70,000 to Sh35,000.

Kenya Power has also embarked on a project to light Old Town to improve security and enable business owners to work for longer.

Uhuru reiterated his call for an escalated war on drugs in the region saying youths from the area must be freed from the menace.

“Drug addicts need help and they will be taken to rehabilitation centres, but we will have to arrest the pedlars and the barons," he said.

"Those who supply and sell to them live among you and that is why you should lead in this fight."

The President also urged youth to be alert against brainwashing and false doctrines, to keep from being lured into joining terror groups.

Noting that he grew up with Muslim friends, Uhuru said he has known Islam as a religion that preaches peace and does not justify violence and racism.

“Which Koran are they reading? You are being poisoned and the only way we can solve this problem is to unite,” he said.

Mining CS Najib Balala told locals that lack of employment can never be used as justification for abusing drugs or engaging in violent crimes.

Misguided people are spreading a false religion to recruit youth into terrorism, he said, adding; “We are Muslims and Islam doesn't justify killing of innocent people."

“This town is your town and you have to wake up. We did not have to wait for the President to come to make us realise that we have to take action."

He said he will lead residents and police in identifying and flushing out drug peddlers, suppliers and barons from the community.

Devolution CS Anne Waiguru said the NYS project has now reached 64 constituencies, employed more than 70,000 youth and resulted in Sh500 million savings.

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